I am ready to get in my room and start putting it together but I have not gotten the go yet from my principal. My apartment is starting to get over taken by my stuff.
My budget for my school is $0.00.Other teachers have been really good to me at my school, they always bring down the extra supplies the students didn't use and used during the year. It creates extra work at the end of the year but I get watercolors, paper, colored paper, and glue. My district has also proved somethings over the years but this year I going to need to start begging for paint. DonorsChoose has helped me with ceramic supplies. I try not to buy a lot with my own money but I do buy markers, crayons, and pencils.
Another thing I picked up for school are green pales for .50 cents each
at Micheal's, I am going to use them for trash cans for each table. I
bought them in all the same color so no one fights over them. The trash cans work great to keep students in their seats. Great for cutting and when we use colored pencils. I am not sure what I will use the shovels for yet.
I am also lucking to have a friend that works for Micheal's and Aaron
Bother's as a web designer. Once a month the company opens a warehouse
for the employees to shop and it is $5 a bag. So she picks out what she
wants and then fills the bag for me. It is a lot of random goodness. One
of my favorite things I got was giant pipe cleans, I have no idea what
to do with them yet but the are so cool.